Wednesday, January 9

Just talking about the weather

Ok, I have been naughty. I haven't been updating as regularly as I promised myself. I shall have to give myself a spanking.
The weather lately has been a shade more than odd. Sixty and seventy degrees in January is unusual even in West Tennessee. Last night the storm front that has been rumbling through the midwest came for a visit, and it was a great dissapointment. The wind was pretty good and it rained enough to float an ark. The rest of the storm, however, was woefully inadequate. There were a few impressive bolts of lightning, but they were few and to far away to really make the thunder rumble. Although the sky had a beautiful bruised hue early on, it quickly settled into the same old same old overcast grey. Not an auspicious start to the year for storms. Still, it was leagues better than anything we had last year. I do love a good storm.