Tuesday, December 25


Here I sit by a smoldering fire surrounded by mounds of given gifts and spent wrapping paper, watching birds fly through the clear, pale southern christmas sky. No snow, but a white christmas is a rare enough occasion not to warrant reasonable expectation. Still, what a curious combination of exhaustion and warm contentment. Life is truly sweet, but not so sweet as to become saccarine. May this day live forever in my heart.

Thursday, December 20

Just a little test to familiarize myself with my new phone. What a wonder is technology! What toys we now have! My Mom got me this phone for christmas. I know, I'm so spoiled! Perhaps now that I have this phone I will start adding pictures to my posts. Perhaps.

Monday, December 3


Watching the old people drive around the hospital in a cataract haze leads me to question the advancement of my own years. Will I live that long, until every day activities become a struggle and fear of the unfamiliar overtakes excitement for the undiscovered? Is life futility when you know that death is near? Is there anything past the struggle to wring out those last few precious painful moments of existence? I remember when my Grandmother was close to death. We were giving her pain meds but she thought we were trying to keep her alive. She begged us to stop, to let her die. As our medical science becomes more advanced more and more people will die in the agony of a body dragged into terminal cell death. Is that worth living for?