Tuesday, October 30


How wonderful this dark holiday when the mask of polite society slips for one chill October night and shows the monster lurking behind its sweet facade. Millions of sugar fueled children will give themselves to the night with wild abandon, sacrificing themselves to the flames of a million grinning jack-o-lanterns whose candles light the way to hell itself. Adults not busy minding the children will try to out devil the devil himself, secure behind their masks, their one night dreams of princes and pirates, witches and angels. Even the churches cannot compete, ever more turning to dark visions of hell in their weak attempt to temp the masses to salvation. They misunderstand. The night is not one for penance, but for guiltless sin. The year's one chance for the fearful to become the feared. Fear the shadow, fear the darkness, fear the evil of the world; but on this one night, let the world fear you.

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