Monday, November 12


Two weeks! Am I slipping already?

Not much of note to note.
As usual, Halloween was a bittersweet blast, a whore of a holiday that steals your wallet and roughs you up but still leaves you pretty sure you had a good time. Suspension of disbelief is essential, and almost unattainable.
On the feminine front, what was three is now one, with a possible second possibly coming up from the minors. Possibly.
I miss the cold in the same way I miss dating crazy women. From a distance in time everything is beautiful and pure, but when you are actually there all that you think about is shrinkage.
Is it sad that the events of my life would fit into a five dollar personals ad? Right between the fat woman who has too many cats and the cannibalistic serial killer looking for his next meal. Should I be glad that my life is generally uneventful, or am I missing something?
Whatever it is, I'm sure it is for sale somewhere.

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